November 19-24, 2008: The academically and politically recognized descendants of the great Inca nation, known as the Q’ero, are coming to San Jose State University. Don Humberto and Doña Bernadina will offer teachings, ceremony, and rites during their visit. This couple is the last remaining elders of the highest spiritual rank of Incan mysticism. Because of his rank for instance, Don Humberto was chosen to bless the President of Peru during his inauguration ceremony.

    The idea for this visit was conceived during a study abroad August 2008 when a group of students learned from and with several Q'ero priests. This study abroad constituted the first University class in the world to receive the Hatun Karpay, or the Incan "great initiation." The experience was so abundant that Don Humberto and Dona Bernadina chose to accept our invitation to visit the Bay Area in order to teach our and enlighten our friends, families, and colleagues.

    During their visit to the U.S., the Q’ero elders will conduct ceremonies and teach ancient healing practices that involve direct collaborative relationships with the living energy of nature, mountains, water, and the divine source.  Accompanied by interpreter Freddy Conde, they will teach a worldview and practices that pre-date Inca times in hopes to be of service to all participants including: Inca energy centers (eyes) & practices, feminine healing (nustas), and the mystic sacred couple (yanantin). They will share aspects of the Inca prophecy about this time in history.
    The Q’ero have until recent times, been relatively isolated and have thus been able to maintain the ancient practices and traditions of the mystical Inca. The Inca’s are known to have built one of the seven world wonders, Machu Picchu. They originate from a small community of villages located at about 15000 ft in the Peruvian Andes. The Q’ero weavings have been showcased in the Smithsonian Institute. Livelihood for the Q'ero depends upon sales of these weavings and healing sessions. Weavings and other items will be available for sale and healing sessions will be offered by appointment.

    The Q’ero nation is known for their ability to gain wisdom, affect systemic change, and to heal others through their deep relationship with nature and living energy. Healings can cause dramatic affects biologically, psychologically, spiritually. During their visit they will be sharing non-western ways of living that can help restore individual and collective balance—information many stressed Silicon Valley citizens may seek.

    The Wiraqocha Foundation, a non-profit and major cosponsor of this event, is dedicated to the preservation of indigenous wisdom. The founder, Elizabeth Jenkins, is author of international best-selling books on the Inca (Return of the Inca and Journey to Q’eros). The Wiraqocha Foundation instigated a project that brought potable drinking water to the Q’ero and thousands of dollars in medical aid.


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